Monday, December 11, 2006

Home WIth God

Home With God In a Life That Never Ends
by Neale Donald Walsch

p 10 (Death) IS a doorway, but it is a magic doorway, because the energy with which you walk through that doorway DETERMINES WHAT'S ON THE OTHER SIDE.

p 22 No matter which way you go, YOU CANNOT FAIL TO GET HOME...Some paths are less arduous.
p 25 Please do not confuse what is in your heart with what is in your mind. What is in your mind has been put there by others. What is in your heart is what you carry with you of me.
p 27 (Robert Frost) The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep.
p 41 If you look upon yourself as a victim, you will see yourself as one. if you look upon yourself as a villain, you will see yourself as one. If you look upon yourself as a co-creator in a collaborative process, that is how you will see yourself.
p 57 If you think that you are a victim, say that you are a victim, and act as if you are a victim, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE YOURSELF AS A VICTIM in spite of the fact that you are not......If you think that another is a victim, say that another is a victim, and act as if another is a victim, you WILL EXPERIENCE THAT OTHER PERSON AS A VICTIM in spite of the fact that he or she is not....It is impossible to be a victim of circumstances you create.
p 64 It is the PURPOSE of physical life to provide you with a context within which you may experience what you choose, in the spiritual realm, to experience. And so by leaving physical life you will escape nothing but will just place yourself right back INTO physical life, and into the situation you were seeking to escape...except now you will be back at the beginning again.
p 69 Euthanasia cannot be equated with suicide. People who are contemplating suicide in the middle of an otherwise active and reasonably healthy life are making a very particular kind of decision. People who end a life that is a very short time away from ending anyway, with every medical evidence indicating that, are making an entirely different kind of decision.
p 78 (You are the cause of your own experience although it may not appear to be that way). It will not appear that way until you change your perspective. Nothing will appear that you cannot see.
p 94 ...But if I changed the way I looked at certain things, then all the drama would go away.....Ah, now we're getting to it.
p 115 Hope is the doorway to belief, belief is the doorway to knowing, knowing is the doorway to creation, and creation is the dorway to experience. Experience is the doorway to expression, expression is the doorway to becoming, becoming is the activity of all Life and the only function of God.What you hope, you will eventually believe, what you believe, you will eventually know, what you know, you will eventually create, what you create you will eventually experience, what you experience, you will eventually express, what you express you will eventually become. This is the formula for all of life. It is as simple as that.
p 119 (re: the possibility of suffering in Heaven) You would experience suffering... except you would not.... In the moment anything occurs that the soul experiences as not desirable, the very thought that it is not desirable causes the inner experience of the soul to be instantly altered. And so there is no suffering. Not even for the person who powerfully imagines that he or she SHOULD be punished.
p 129 Don Quixote, the Man of La Mancha, in which one man sees the world through different eyes...And he made it all up. What, then, is your destiny? How will you live your life? How will you see the people, places and events in it? And how will it all turn out?...It will depend on how you look at it.
p 141 As you move through this tunnel... time is not passing, YOU are passing through TIME. .. Time is not going anywhere. Time is "in place" right NOW. It is static, stable, stationary. It is always there, right where it is. Wherever you are in time, it is always NOW.
p 145 How you experience what you come to know depends on how you leave Center. If you release your issues and leave them at the Core, then you will feel "centered" because you have not taken your "core issues" with you.If you do not release them, if you just do not want to let them go, you will take whatever core issues you have not fully released to the "other side", where you will confront them again and have a chance to deal with them there.
p 181 The death of every person always serves the agenda of every other person who is aware of it. THAT IS WHY WE ARE AWARE OF IT. Therefore, no death (and no life) is ever "wasted". No one ever dies "in vain."
p 213 You can say that you've heard all of this before--but you are not ACTING LIKE IT.... (What would it look like if I were acting like it?)
First, you would never entertain negative thoughts in your mind again.
Second, if a negative thought DID happen to slip in, you would get it out of your mind immediately. You would think of something else, deliberately. You would simply CHANGE YOUR MIND ABOUT THAT.
Third, you would begin to not only understand Who You Really Are, but to honor and demonstrate that. That is, you would move from what you Know to what you Experience as the measure of your own evolution.
Fourth, you would love yourself fully, just as you are.
Fifth, you would love everyone else fully, just as they are.
Sixth, you would love life fully, just as it is.
Seventh, you would forgive everyone everything.
Eighth, you would never deliberatly hurt another human being again---emotionally or physically. least of all would you ever do this in the name of God.
Ninth, you would never mourn the death of another again, not even for a moment. You might mourn your loss, but not their death.
Tenth, You would never fear or mourn your own death, not even for a moment.
Eleventh, you would be aware that everything is vibration. EVERYTHING. And so you would pay much more attention to the vibration of everything that you eat, of everything that you wear, or everything that you watch, read, or listen to, and most important, of everything that you think, say and do.
Twelfth, You would do whatever it takes to adjust the vibration of your own energy and the life energy that you are creating around you if you find that it is not resonance with the highest knowing you have about Who You Are, and the greatest experience of this that you can possibly imagine.
p 215 It is just a matter of focus. Most human beings are focused most of the time on things that do not really matter. yet if they were to take a few moments each day to focus on what does, they could change their whole lives.Your body is a magnificent instrument of highly sensitive energy receptors. believe it or not, you can run your hand six inches over the food in a buffet line and, without touching it, feel whether it is of benefit to you to eat that right now. You can do the same thing with clothing that you are picking out of a closet to wear for the day, or that you are thinking of buying in a store.When you are with another person, if you will stop listening to what you are thinking and begin listening to what you are feeling, the quality of your communication with that person will skyrocket -- as will the quality of the relationship itself.
p 235 The three stages of death are designed to move you, gently and as rapidly as you wish to move, through the process of reidentification. In the second stage of death you still identify with your mind, and so your experience is dictate by what is IN your mind. Your beliefs create your experience. Once you drop this identity, your experience is created not by what you believe, but by what you desire. This is the beginning of your experience called "heaven". You may experience these three stages of death that I have now several times described even while you are alive.
c. 2006 Atria Publishers

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