Friday, December 1, 2006

What You Think of Me Is None of My Business By Terri Cole Whittaker

p 11 Babies have a very high degree of consciousness at the moment of birth.
p 12 You are the captain of your own ship and the master of your own destiny.
p 13 You are complete and nothing is missing.
p 20 We as parents are more often concerned about what neighbors and relatives think of our merit as parents than about what our kids think.
p 22 You were the one who gave the power away. Try to understand that those who were controlling you were trying to fulfill their own needs, trying to gain a feeling of worthiness and fulfillment through you. ...You are in a natural state of magnificence. Others who hold you responsible for their failures are..using guilt as the weapon to hold you in their grasp.
p 24 You will know your own guilt when you know that you have tried to suppress another, tried to take away his/her aliveness, possessions, self-esteem, health, rights or your have tried in some way, to deny others their life....People who murder do so because they are trying to kill something in themselves.
p 29 Our parents become dependent upon us to provide the love they need and to fulfill the dreams that haven't come true for them..The more secure, whole, actualized, and self reliant a person is, them ore he or she is able to be sensitive and respond to the other person. True self reliance allows love to flow.
p 41 When you are in harmony with life and love, you always win, although you might not always get what you mistakenly think you ought to have.
p 51 Avoid risk and be run by fear, and you allow the world, the environment and other people to control you.
p 71 Suicidals want more of life, but don't know how to get it.
p 77 The fat person manifests a low self image, and people resist this because it reminds them of their own low self-image. The low self-image projected by the fat person creates fear in others who are afraid to look honestly at themselves.
p 97 The ideal relationship is one in which each partner says: "I support you for being who you are, who you are not, and who you can be. I support you in your goals and purpose in life. I support you in sharing all your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. I will not judge. I will not suppress. I am not going to bring up your sharing at some later time and use it as a weapon.
p 111 There can be no success unless you have communicated that they are responsible for their actions, that they are not the only ones who exist and that they will live all their lives in relationship to other people.
p 148 The universal law: What you give, you get back.
p 167 Most people, deep down in their hearts, are not trying to hurt others. They hurt out of a sense of self-preservation or in an attempt to keep from being hurt.
p 186 God doesn't make junk.
p 187 When others seek to dump their insecurities on you, what they are really saying is simply a reflection of where they are.
p 189 Your real self is totally perfect, complete, loving and powerful. You are responsible for your own life. What you believe is the way it's going to be.

c. 1988
Jove Publishers (reprint)

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