Saturday, December 2, 2006

Leo Buscaglia on LOVE

p 27 That's what it's all about. In the end, you have only you.
p 39 The only reality is what is happening between you and me right now.
p 43 The opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy
p 46
Birds never sing in caves. Thoreau
p 82 The fear of aloneness and lack of love is so great in most of us that it's possible we can become slave to this fear.
p 97 For if one expects nothing and asks nothing, he can never be deceived or disappointed...The perfect love is one that gives all and expects nothing.
p 98 One loves because he wills it, because it gives him joy, because he knows that growth and discovery of oneself depends on it.
p 117
Just because the message may never be received does not mean it is not worth sending. ~Segaki
p 138 It's doubtful that one will realize all of his "self" in a lifetime even if his every moment were dedicated to it.
p 164 Love helps us to accept the fact that the other individual is behaving only as he is able to behave at the moment.
p 172 Man has not yet learned to work for the joy of work, learn for the sake of growth, create for the expression and the exaltation in the act, or to love simply for the pleasure of loving; he still requires a reward.

Seldom if ever do we think ourselves out of depression. Rather, we act ourselves out of it by taking other people's needs more seriously than our own.

c. 1972 Fawcett Crest

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