Monday, November 13, 2006

A Course In Love by Joan Gattuso

p 68 Once you meet and know love within your own soul, you will never be afraid of love again.
p 75 Many...go through life with a scorecard. They keep records of who did what, when, how often, how expensively, how appropriately, and to whom. Tallying up every act and gesture in an attempt to ensure that life is always fair just doesn't work. If you must count, count your partner's attributes, not the flaws.
p 77 All that we are is the result of what we have thought. (Dhamma Pada 5th c. BC scripture)
If all day long you are hearing nothing but garbage, at the end of the day your head will be filled with nothing but garbage.
p 80
What we focus on expands...Focus on what you perceive as lacking and that seeming lack grows and grows. Whatever we see is a reflection of our consciousness.
p 126 You have to admit some of the players have given academy award winning performaces. Your function is not to judge them, criticize them, ignore them, or present them with an Oscar. Your function is to forgive them. You can never have a holy relationship in your life when you hold unforgiveness in your heart.
p 157 The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind I was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere; they're inside each other all along.
p 166 When we don't like the outer projection of our lives, we are not to shoot the leading man or the bit players. We are to go within and fix the script of our minds.
p 174 Being with my soulmate is not work. Special relationships need work and need it constantly. Holy relationships are not work. They simply ARE. In a holy relationship, each one has looked within and sees no lack. We have healed those places in us tht were buried or saddened. Our being together is joy. We have put the God part of us first, and everything else naturally falls into its perfect place.
p 183 Allow love to be in charge and you will experience being with your soulmate as living together in constant trust that every detail of your lives is already handled... Just show up where you have "agreed" to be and when... everything is always working out exactly as it needs to. God is in charge. Remember, God's plan works, yours doesn't. God's plan always works.
p 206...I accept me because you accept me so much. I feel so grateful because something has developed in me that could not have developed without you.

c 1997 Harper San Francisco

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