Tuesday, November 21, 2006


She was sitting in the vinyl chair by the window in the stark hospital. Why she had the bed by the window, I don't know; even though window beds are preferred by most hospital guests. She had been blind from birth and could not appreciate the view. In fact she complained of the January breeze that forced itself in at the corners.

She was tied into her chair -- too weak to hold herself up. She could not walk. She could not breath without oxygen. Her lunch sat on a plastic divided tray in front of her --- cold goulash, diced pears, milk and Milbrook bread with a pat of Land O'Lakes. The goulash was cold; the milk was warm.

She was blind, had a mask over her face providing her the oxygen she needed to survive and no one, but no one was there to help her. Later when I reviewed her medical chart, the dietitian indicated that she had eaten only 5% of her meals.

Hospitals are great at keeping people alive, but once they do that, it's really time to move on!


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