Monday, November 13, 2006

Enchanted Love by Marianne Williamson

p 26 " Say you will, and I will buy my ticket for this ride. It will not be cheap, nor always smooth. But I don't care. I don't care."
p 32 There will be something in your personality which is bound to trigger the unhealed parts of me, and I will trigger yours...but try not to attack or judge me for these wounds I carry. And I will try to do the same for you.
p 35 ...we are drawn to our destiny as if to a magnet, and while monsters can delay us, they have no power to change our destination.
p 60 Your eyes are like street lamps to me. They tell me I am home, this is where I live, I am safe here, I have made it. There is someone waiting here to talk to me and hold me...I want to know everything, and I am rushing now across the grass, to throw open the door, to say "Im home!", to see your eyes, to know tht this is the right address, the right address at last, thank God.
p 66 Nothing superficial heals..
p 107 Two souls genuinely combining spiritual forces generate -- quite literally-- the power of God...if there isn't fire then it isn't love..if it doesn't insist that you move to your next level, if it doesn't take your heart and make it explode in a million pieces only to fall back together again in some moment of enlightened understanding, then you haven't really loved. ...
p 124 If a train doesn't stop at your station, it's simply because it's not your train...(.unfortunately you may not realize) that there's another trainin trying to come toward you, unable to get into your station because a train that doesn't even belong there is being delayed by your intensity.
p 125 Whom we teach, or mother, or help too much, we have a semblance of control over.
We are most attracted to people who will NOT indulge our games.
p 130 Every(one) unconsciously looking for his next rite of passage.
p 135 When the wisdom of the heart replaces the chatter of the mind, the power of love flows forth.
p 149 The key to forgiveness is not to seek the innocence of the beloved but to ASSUME the innocence of the beloved.
p 154 When love isn't in our lives, it's on it's way.
p 158 Only what we are not giving can be lacking in any situation.
p 159 As long as we are setting the agenda for someone else's behavior, then we are seeking to be their jailer, not their lover, and we will not know peace.
p 163 Kindness should be a minimum standard.
p 188 "I thought you would never get here, " I said.
"I know. And that's what took me so long..."
p 201 Running the present through the filter of the past just dooms us to repeat it.
p 261 Love is not something to merely feel. It is something to be chosen, to make a stand for, to lay claim to, to incarnate fully. Otherwise there is a waste on some level of our precious time on earth.

c. 2001 Simon & Schuster

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